Thursday, January 28, 2010

Calgary Garden

When you are gardening in Calgary, there are a few things that need to be taken into account the short summer season, the Chinooks and the cold weather in the winter. Due to this, there are some special considerations to make when planning out your garden.

The first thing to consider is how much time and effort you want to put into Calgary gardening. This will help you determine if you should set up a simple garden or a more elaborate, complicated garden. Make sure to take your lifestyle into account when you are deciding on this.
There are many plants available to the Calgary Gardener.

Calgary gardening still allows you to purchase and plant many types of plants, such as annuals, perennials, fruits and trees, and even roses.
Something like a Calgary Carpet Juniper may be a great item to put in your garden as it retains its leaves in the winter, which gives you color and interest when your yard is covered in white.

When choosing the plants for your garden, you need to take into account the hardiness zone that you live in. Calgary has been designed a 3B, which refers to the lowest temperatures tend to get, which is -37C.

Make sure to pay attention to the hardiness scale in the various books and catalogues that you look at as each one tends to rate the same areas differently.

Due to the cold weather that has to be taken into account with Calgary gardening, you will want to ask your plant supplier about the best way to care for your plants throughout the winter.

You don't want to spend the time and money on a plant, and then have it die due to improper winter care.

Such preparations may include covering your plants with mulch or fabric. You definitely want to make sure to do this as you want to protect your investment.

When planning the garden, make sure that you take into account proper spacing.

In 10-year time, you don't want to have to be transplanting, or pulling out a tree, because it spread further than expected and can no longer grow.

There should be instructions to help you when you purchase, or ask your supplier.

Make sure your purchases will do what you want them to do. If your garden is small, and you only want flowers, then a Calgary Carpet Juniper is not going to be a plant to purchase.

When planning out your garden, you will want to take into consideration when the various plants will be blooming and showing off their full colors. You don't want everything to bloom at once, and then nothing for the rest of the summer.

Calgary gardening can be very worthwhile. While it may take a bit of planning beforehand, it will be all worth it when you are able to sit back and enjoy it.